Ads can be very weird. I’m having trouble deciding whether this one is good:
“Introducing this summer’s new Frappuccino flavor: S’mores! Now you can sip on all the flavor of a campfire, which you shouldn’t sip, because that’s dangerous.”
At least I’m talking about the ad — that’s a positive sign, right? And I’m not the only one. When I took this screenshot, four thousand people had commented on the picture.
What I find confusing is that the humorously nonsensical caption doesn’t quite relate to the picture. There’s a tenuous woodsy/camping connection, but I don’t get the story. Is the yeti grumpy because he tried to sip on a campfire? But now he’s soothed by a s’mores-flavored Frappuccino?
If you can explain this ad, hit me up on Facebook or Twitter. Or heck, just email me:
“This reminds me of Netflix saying it was going to split the company into two brands and no longer have a single brand aimed at people who wanted to watch movies. I mean… it’s true that I pay separate fees for the DVD’s and the streaming… but two separate brands was just stupid. I mean, one of those ideas that you didn’t test on anyone. #RaceTogether is just such an idea. Massively stupid and damaging to the brand… but probably not forever. It will go away, and then people will forget about it after a few months.”
Basically. To enforce my friend’s point, I had totally forgotten about the Netflix fiasco! Remember how bad the new name was? Qwikster. Bahaha. I love when brands phenomenally mismanage things.
“It takes a lot of training and a lot of institutional support to teach people things they would rather not hear. I wonder what kind of training and support the hourly wage baristas at Starbucks will get.”
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