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Zine Review: Many & Various

Nope, I am not reviewing a zine called Many & Various, but rather I am reviewing many and various zines, plural.

Before thinking about it today, I had some ~ideas~ about zine reviews that prevented me from actually doing them. Previously I felt that a zine review ought to be accompanied by a picture. When there’s a photo, blog visitors can get a sense of the zine’s aesthetic as well as its contents. Each review ought to be thoughtful, length of 300 words or more. If someone sent me a zine specifically to review, I would probably still give it that treatment.

However, as usual, the cool thing about zines is that there are NO RULES beyond common courtesy. Even politeness is optional in such a punk-dominated subculture! (Disclaimer: I don’t know a single stuff about punkness. Additional note: being kind is always the best policy and that applies here too, but no one will make you stay nice.)

What follows are approximately four million reviews with varying levels of “completeness”. This is not a comprehensive list of zines that I’ve read recently, since I send a lot of them off in trade packages, or to friends who I think will like them. (Example: Party Boyz #1, a “lifestyle zine” about Portland’s DIY music scene, which I mailed to Paul Renn along with Balm Digest #2.) Anyway…

Psychometry zine

I enjoyed Psychometry. Creator Olivia M describes the zine better than I could: Psychometry deals with “LARPing, my first multiple sclerosis flare, high school, college, religion and atheism, asexuality […], and my mother, all in relation to found objects and ‘relics’ of past events.” I love that concept, talking about the associations of specific ephemera and trinkets. SYMBOLS ARE COOL. The reading experience was aesthetically pleasing and fun in that “window into someone else’s world” kind of way. Absurdly, I am reminded of Miss Marple.

Olivia is on vacation for three weeks, but after she gets back you can get this zine on Etsy, Storenvy, or by emailing about trading. There is also a blog to follow.

haiku zine
haiku zine

I found INK through Tumblr and printed out the first issue to read. The whole thing is FREE on Scribd, which is just so cool; I love free stuff! Issue #1 focused on haiku, and I learned some things about this traditional Japanese form of short poetry, both its historical and modern usages. Apparently #2 will be about ee cummings.

zines by Brandt Schmitz

Following Deer Trails was one of the first zines that I bought with genuine dollars, at Pegasus Books in Berkeley, and it remains one of my favorites. Author Brandt Schmitz sent me Flying Into the Chandelier after I emailed him to ask where I could find more of his writing. Brandt gives exquisite attention to everything around him, making sure to appreciate life vividly. In turn, I appreciate the reminder to bring that loving focus to my own experiences.

Probably the best way to get ahold of either of these zines is to email Brandt ( or write him a letter: Brandt Schmitz // PO Box #401 // Berkeley, CA 94701 // United States. However, the zines are also floating around the web to varying degrees. I found Flying Into the Chandelier listed for $2 at Quimby’s.

Cometbus #51 The Loneliness of the Electric Menorah

Cometbus is legendary in the zine world, one of the longest-running underground publications out there. Aaron Cometbus is a Bay Area native; he grew up in Berkeley. I’ve read a few issues but I particularly loved The Loneliness of the Electric Menorah because it’s a detailed history of Berkeley’s independent bookstores and the LARGE personalities of the people who started them. This zine made me want to wander around Telegraph Avenue like I used to do in high school before I discovered any kind of interesting counterculture, except now I would have a small idea of what I was looking at.

eating in bed, poetry zine by Jacqulyn Ladnier

I have a hard time reading poetry casually, but Jacqulyn Ladnier’s eating in bed was the perfect impetus for a quiet, reflective moment in the midst of life being busy-busy-busy like it always insists on being. The zine came with a personal note. Probably I ate my copy in bed! (See what I did there? But I promise you, I just read it. I haven’t eaten paper in years.)

Blunt Letters zine
Blunt Letters zine

The Blunt Letters #5, bizarre “absurdist” zine is classic cut-and-paste scribbly style, by Micaela Superstar and Elle Lectrick. This issue was themed “pills”, more broadly addictive substances. One of the few zines where I liked some of the content and hated the rest. Here’s what I liked: an essay called “maybe it’s the pills” about crazy-making birth control, “The Joe Shmoe Interview” about drug abuse at work (this guy was so hopped up on Adderall that he tried to murder someone!), the essay “Caffeine Love”, and the various recipes, especially Breaking Bad-themed cocktails even though I don’t watch Breaking Bad. I hated: the “Whorescopes” and “People With Problems” sections, which were just CRUEL, the barely-decipherable comics, and the section that was mean about Kim Kardashian, going so far as to call her then-boyfriend Kanye West the “poor man’s Jay Z”, which is wrong is at least three ways. I do not recommend this reading experience, but if you’re interested you can hit ’em up on Facebook or check out their blog.

And now for the reviews without pictures!

“Goodbye to All That” by Wren Awry, AKA The Seams & The Story #1, was great. It’s a zine about New York, about a person growing up and becoming punk, about 20th century anarchism, and could probably be summed up by this sentence near the end: “if you ask me if there is a time and place I wish I could have lived through, I will tell you that it is the Lowest East Side in this 1980s, when squatters were opening up rusting tenements and defending them against the police.” Exactly the kind of history that I am HUNGRY for. Idealism thrives and idealism stokes the fire of my own soul! To obtain this zine, email, or print a copy from the PDF. Be sure to check out Wren’s blog for more writing.

Dreams of Donuts #2, a comic-form diary by Heather Wreckage: in a word, charming! I got to meet Heather the other day and she has mermaid hair. Beautiful aqua-green mermaid hair! Again, charming! Let’s pretend that I wrote the Maximum Rock’n’Roll rave review, which Heather posted on her blog. Basically, it’s a lovely zine with lovely poignant stories and especially relevant if you live in the Bay Area. The last line in the acknowledgements section is, “No thanks to cops, bart, techies, & landlords.” LOL + HYFR. To obtain this zine, email Heather ( or just go ahead and send her cash: Heather Wreckage // 5867 San Pablo Avenue // Oakland, CA 94608 // United States.

Cup & Saucer Chronicles #3, “Winter”, is kind of travel diary about going to East Coast zine fests. Also includes an interview with Raymond Pettibon, who is apparently related to Black Flag in some way? IDK. Interesting nonetheless. I intend to email the creator about trading for more issues, and you should too:

GOODNESS. Okay, that’s it for now. I have a couple more zines in my to-read pile, but I doubt that I’ll get around to writing them up before I leave on my road trip. L8r g8rs!

Quick Zine Review: Aussie Oddness

You should sign up to receive the “slightly bizarre short rural fiction” of O Spaniel Murray. It’s free! Do check out the website to get a sense of what’s being offered — this page describes OSM’s complimentary snail-mail service — but all you have to do is email him:

As for the stories themselves, imagine The Thorn Birds (purely for the Australian setting) combined with The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, with a dash of noir from The Maltese Falcon.

Side note: I totally forgot about Malta until I read Haruki Murakami’s The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle, and then I was like, “Oh yeah, that’s an island somewhere, right?” Geographically clueless 2k14, probably 2k15, and all years preceding and following those two.

Zine(s) Review: My Complicated Relationship With Food, Volumes 1 & 2

I bought the second volume of My Complicated Relationship With Food at Pegasus Books in Berkeley. I made the purchase because I read the first few pages while standing up in front of the zine shelf, and I’m pretty sure that I snorted out loud. Usually when something causes me to laugh embarrassingly in public, I buy it.

Immediately after finishing the little booklet, I bought the first volume from Antiquated Future, along with the author’s short novel (memoir?) Love is Not Constantly Wondering if You’re Making the Biggest Mistake of Your Life.

Based on these three publications, the writer is an astoundingly talented person, by which I mean that he is talented in an astounding way. He goes by Zach — just Zach, like Cher or Madonna — and has the best email address ever: If you read his stuff, expect a big dose of funny. The novella also has a big dose of sad. On the other hand, the food zines only made my eyes water from laughter.

My Complicated Relationship With Food zine

As the covers state, the zines consist of “Reviews of Some of the Things We Put in Our Mouths”. “Some” is a key word here because the zines do not contain reviews of Legos or genitalia. Zach expounds on various foods, loosely organized by categories like “Plants” and “Foods For Stress Eating”. The description of the latter section, found in the second volume, is what won me over entirely:

“Stress eating is awesome. Not feeling stressed in the first place would be better, but there is fuck-all chance of that happening. So instead I will happily take the option that allows me to better cope with despair AND tastes great. There are few things in life as win/win as stress eating.”

Do you remember that Louis CK bit about his daughter’s original joke? Louis CK’s reaction to the gorilla-ballet joke is how I feel about Zach’s opinion on stress-eating. It’s a new opinion. I am delighted by it.

The only complaint I can offer about My Complicated Relationship With Food, either volume, is that the interior font is tiny. Luckily my eyes are good enough to read it, but if the text were even slightly smaller, then I’d need to find a magnifying glass. I understand that small zines are cheaper to produce, but IMO ease of reading should always be a priority. Still, BUY THESE!

Zine Review: Witches & Sick Glitches

I traded zines with Felix Taylor (sagpunk on Tumblr) and he sent me Witches & Sick Glitches:

Witches & Sick Glitches zine by Felix Taylor

I really enjoyed this comic. I don’t want to give away too much about the story, but the plot involves shady websites, blood-dripping rituals, and subsequent mysterious occult happenings. Think Adventure Time meets Andromeda Klein in bold black-and-white. Not cheery Adventure Time, but one of the sinister episodes. I am excited to read the next installment of Witches & Sick Glitches!

Zine Review: The Average and Different Days #5

I traded with Mnon for issue #5 of her perzine The Average and Different Days, which you can buy inexpensively on Etsy. She also sent me On the Verge of Summer, a diminutive one-pager. Mnon writes that her latest perzine installment “deals with the need to be creative, scary phone calls,” and miscellaneous components of a French college girl’s mental health. (English isn’t Mnon’s first language, but the errors are only minor grammar blips. Her writing is easy to understand.)

The Average and Different Days #5 zine, plus On the Verge of Summer
Note: the pink is less saturated in person.

The Average and Different Days #5 zine

As you can see, The Average and Different Days is a traditional cut-and-paste typewritten zine. Pages are embellished with collage, illustration, and handwriting. Most of the text is Mnon’s charmingly candid reflections on her life. Also found within: a playlist, comparison of coffee versus tea, and plenty of references to Twin Peaks.

Mnon’s diary-style narrative conveys the stress of organizing an academic and professional future. She is open and honest about her struggle with anxiety, definitely willing to be vulnerable with strangers. I relate to Mnon’s description of the oddly stultifying panic that came with tackling a bureaucratic dilemma at her school (“scary phone calls”).

The zine’s subtext is that early adulthood involves growing pains, some provoked by obstacles that seem insurmountable. I would recommend The Average and Different Days #5 to angsty students and/or anyone who likes girly stuff (AKA exactly me).

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