This website was archived on July 21, 2019. It is frozen in time on that date.

Sonya Mann's active website is Sonya, Supposedly.

Big Hush

I used Hay Kranen’s Markov chain generator to combine A. E. Waite’s explanation of The Star (Tarot card) with part of “Elm” by Sylvia Plath. Then I cut down the resulting text by a lot and rewrote a few lines. The poem doesn’t exactly make sense… but it’s evocative.

The atrocity of prepared minds, the water.
She pours it.

She dreams of possessing
the majority of truth unveiled,
glorious in undying ground.

The star it: It is what you fear.
I do nothing. That was your bad dreams.

The stand, a hand of wires.
Now I bring your head as a stone.

Her left knee is rain now, this big hush.
And this big hush.

Drawlloween 2018: Intro + First Entry

Visual art is not my forte, but occasionally I get the itch to create some. This year the itch coincides with Inktober and Drawlloween.

The aim of both challenges is to make a spooky artwork on every single day of October. I’m using a set of Drawlloween prompts compiled by Mab Graves:

Mab Graves Drawlloween prompts

For my purposes, “draw” will be defined loosely. I rolled the first two days into one digital collage:

Drawlloween Day & 2, witches and black cats

Source images:

Tools used:

I’m not thrilled with the look of the finished piece, but that’s okay. My goal with Drawlloween is to get the juices flowing and have fun. I don’t need to achieve aesthetic perfection!

Backing Up My Kindle Ebooks

“In a move that angered customers and generated waves of online pique, Amazon remotely deleted some digital editions of the books from the Kindle devices of readers who had bought them,” The New York Times reported in 2009.

Amazingly, the removed books were George Orwell’s 1984 and Animal Farm. We may never know how Amazon managed to make its blunder quite that on-the-nose.

A couple of days ago, an Apple customer realized that some movies he’d purchased through the company’s media store were missing and no longer available for him to download.

So for no particular reason, tonight I decided to back up my Kindle books and remove the DRM from the files.

It was a pain to figure out how to do this on a MacBook Pro in 2018, without owning a physical Kindle device. I documented the necessary steps for those of you whose setup is similar to mine.

My laptop is running High Sierra (version 10.13.6) and I have a current version of the Mac Kindle app installed. If you have trouble carrying out one of the individual steps, a search engine will be able to turn up helpful resources.

  1. Install the Kindle Mac App.
  2. Open Kindle preferences.
  3. Change the content folder to one that’s convenient for you. I put it in my Google Drive folder.
  4. Download all the books that you want to back up. Instead of doing this manually in the Mac app, follow these steps:
    1. Go to and navigate to the section called Your Content and Devices.
    2. Select all.
    3. Click the “Deliver” button and then select your Mac app from the dropdown menu.
    4. Do something else while the files download. If you have a lot of books, it’ll take some time. I think it took an hour for my ~300 books.
    5. This process was buggy for me but it eventually worked. No guarantees — you may have to manually trigger the download process for each book.
  5. Download Calibre.
  6. Download the DeDRM plugin and follow these instructions.
  7. Download the KFX Input plugin from Calibre’s native plugin menu.
  8. In Calibre, click the little dropdown arrow next to the “Add books” button. Choose this option: “Add books from directories, including sub-directories (Multiple books per directory, assumes every e-book file is a different book).”
  9. Wait for all the books to load.
  10. You’ll have a bunch of nonsense .md files along with your actual books. My nonsense files all started with “CR!” so I stuck that in the search bar, selected all (ctrl + A), and deleted them. My guess is that you could filter by file format instead, if you prefer.
  11. Select all the remaining books, again using ctrl + A.
  12. Click the little dropdown arrow next to “Convert books” and choose the bulk option.
  13. Fiddle with the .epub conversion settings if you want to (I didn’t) and then go ahead and convert the files.
  14. Wait for that process to go through — for me it took ~45 minutes.

Aaand here’s where I stopped. A handful of the books didn’t convert properly — Calibre told me it was because of DRM issues (after all those plugins?!) but I’ll figure out what happened later.

I hope this was helpful. If you come up with a way to improve the process, please let me know! Honestly, I would love for someone to productize this whole rigmarole.

I feel astounded by the awesomeness of open-source software, and how it restores freedom to end users… but simultaneously dismayed by how many hoops you have to jump through. It’s unfortunate that ebooks merchants like Amazon have such reader-unfriendly incentives.

My Collection of Furson(y)as

Rabbits have been my symbol for years, and I used to identify strongly with rabbit psychology. (I’m more assertive now, so I only weakly identify with rabbit psychology.) I even have a bunny tattoo:

In the style of Beatrix Potter, drawn and tattooed by Stevie Varin.
In the style of Beatrix Potter, drawn and tattooed by Stevie Varin.
In the style of Beatrix Potter, drawn and tattooed by Stevie Varin.
The artist is @stevielichous on Instagram.

I wouldn’t call myself a “real” furry, but I do enjoy having various drawings of myself as a cute bunny. My default avatar is a bunny designed by Polyducks, and since then I’ve accrued several more. For a while I’ve been meaning to share all of them in a blog post, roughly chronologically. Without any further ado…

Designed by Polyducks.
Designed by Polyducks.
Rabbit based on Polyducks' color scheme, created by my Twitter friend @userlint.
A rabbit based on Polyducks’ color scheme, created by my Twitter friend @userlint.
"OK, this is my sonic-the-hedgehog-fanart-level attempt at Sonya as the Daicon IV mascot" — Twitter friend @enkiv2.
“OK, this is my sonic-the-hedgehog-fanart-level attempt at Sonya as the Daicon IV mascot” — Twitter friend @enkiv2.
Illustration commissioned from Jay Holloway.
Femme bun commissioned from Jay Holloway / @bonesnail. I looove this one. She’s so pretty.
Shaman rabbit created by Twitter friend @DukeOfVenezuela.
Rabbit shaman (druid priestess?) created by Twitter friend @DukeOfVenezuela.
Hacker bun designed by Jade Lejeck, @pixeljadeart.
Hacker bun commissioned from Jade Lejeck / @pixeljadeart.
Hacker bun remixed by @pastellbits (warning, a lot of her art is NSFW).
Hacker bun remixed by @pastellbits (warning, a lot of her art is NSFW). The artist is also on Instagram as @pastelbits.

I’ll add to this post once I have more bun-selves to share! Hopefully soon, muahahhaahaha!

Update on 9/19/2018:

Sonya Mann's rabbit fursona by purple-pies from DeviantArt
Another remix of Jade Lejeck’s hacker bun design, this time by purple-pies from DeviantArt.

Update on 1/9/2019: I’m a little late adding this one, but I commissioned another bunson(y)a from Pastel Bits!

Wearing the Japanese streetwear style mori-kei. Designed by @pastellbits.
Bun-me is wearing the Japanese streetwear style mori-kei. Designed by @pastellbits.

Update on 5/31/2019: Also late adding this one…

Illustration by PinkPuff, AKA @DrMeganParker.
Illustration by PinkPuff, AKA @DrMeganParker (warning, NSFW account… and, uh, I cropped this one for my website; you can probably guess why).

Y’know, maybe I am a ~real~ furry at this point.

And here’s a bunson(y)a that I’m adding promptly:

Snufkin rendition by Twitter friend @suchaone.
Snufkin-themed rendition by Twitter friend @suchaone.

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